
How to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms Naturally


When dealing with anxiety, doctors tend to prescribe a bunch of powerful drugs which can cause a variety of severe side effects. Here is a list of various herbal remedies/supplements and natural techniques available for those living with anxiety. The natural remedies have fewer side effects and are made with all natural ingredients, and some of them are as powerful or more powerful than many prescription medications.


Catnip its herbal anxiety remedy which is part of the mint family that helps in the treatment of various symptoms of anxiety. Symptoms like stomach cramps, spams, and irritations (which are often associated with anxiety). It also helps to minimize some types of headaches caused by insomnia, it improves appetite, and also ease muscle tension and stress in those with severe anxiety.

Where can you buy it?
You can buy it at almost any pet store like Petsmart or Petsupermarket or if you prefer, in Walmart or Publix.


Chamomile is a natural sedative that works best for people who suffer from mild anxiety, both children and adults.. It can calm nervousness, both in the mind and in the stomach plus it can reduce digestive discomforts and improve appetite in those with a great deal of stress. It can also help in reducing headaches and improving liver and lung health. Most experts recommend that chamomile only be used as a temporary treatment, not as a long term solution.

Where can i buy it?u
You can buy several different brands of chamomile tea at most grocery stores or buy the herbal suplement in any pharmacy near you.


Fennel is not necessarily a anxiety remedy but it is also helpful when dealing with most common symptoms of anxiety and also digestion, coughing , and asthma (anxiety can exacerbate asthma symptoms). It may also act as an analgesic, diuretic, and antispasmodic – the latter being useful for some types of anxiety.

Where can you buy it?
Buy it online in this link: http://shop.countdown.co.nz/Shop/ProductDetails?Stockcode=365911&name=fresh-produce-fennel-bulb or search it in your nearest supermarket.

Kava Kava

 I can confidently say that amongst all natural remedies for anxiety, Kava Kava is possibly the most effective when dealing with moderate and severe anxiety. It has some positive effect on stress, anxiety, and unlike other herbal anxiety supplements, kava is not only effective for anxiety symptoms – it's effective for anxious thoughts as well. However, kava has been linked to a few health scares, so it's advised to talk to your doctor before taking kava, especially if you drink alcohol, take any other medicines, or have any liver problems.

Where can you buy it?
 Any grocery store as it, don't forget to visit this link:http://buykavadirect.com/ to learn how to make the best buy of kava. 


For a long time Hops has been useful in various medicinal applications. It's used to fight insomnia, stress, and headaches. It's also beneficial for indigestion, general nervousness, and may help reduce fever. Hops has also been used for lowering uric acid levels in the body, treating infections and skin disorders, and provide some relief from rheumatism, though these are often unrelated to anxiety.

Where can you buy it?
Look for it in homebrew shop or buy it online here in this link:http://www.hopsdirect.com/


Motherwort's primary medicinal use is for treating menstrual discomfort but  pregnant women also take it as a way to manage stress and pregnancy tension and anxiety. It's not recommended for those in the first two trimesters of pregnancy though. It is believed to be effective at stimulating circulation without an increase in pulse rate, lowering blood pressure, fighting heart palpitations, and inducing calmness without any associated fatigue.

Where can you buy it?
buy it online here in this link: http://www.amazon.com/Solaray-Motherwort-100-VegCap/dp/B000GPGHME.


Passionflower is a lot like Kava, except without the side effects. Passionflower is considered best for mild to moderate anxiety, although it may still be valuable for severe anxiety. It works by reducing muscle tension and insomnia, calming the nerves to prevent agitation, mood swings, headaches, and hot flashes from anxiety.

Where can you buy it?
buy it online in this link: http://www.amazon.com/Herb-Pharm-Passionflower-1-Ounces/dp/B0006O2KOO


Skullcap has sedative, tonic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Skullcap may be used to sooth overly twitching muscles, and may help manage both epilepsy and restless leg syndrome (RLS). Many people use the natural sedative properties of skullcap to fight insomnia, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, and even depression. It should be taken as directed, and should not be used by pregnant women.

Where can you buy it?
Buy it online in this link:http://www.oregonswildharvest.com/owh/browse/product/skullcap_herb_cs

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort is not designed for anxiety specifically, but it is very effective for fighting depression, which is often co morbid with anxiety symptoms. St. John's Wort is also an effective mood lifter. It has also been used for diarrhea, gastroenteritis, viral infections of the chest, lungs, and genitals, and many other valuable medicinal uses.

Where can you buy it?
Buy it online in this link: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/st-john's-wort/ID=361651-tier3

Valerian Root

Valerian Root is an incredible effective sedative. It's used primarily as a sleep aid, but the sedative qualities of Valerian are effective at soothing muscles and reducing mental and physical tension so that you can easily relax. It may also be used to relieve uterine cramps, persistent coughs, and bronchial spasms. It is not recommended for children under 12, pregnant women, or anyone taking other antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.

Where can i buy it?
Buy it online in this link: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/valerian-root/ID=361645-tier3

Bodywork & Mind/Body Techniques


Massage therapy, shiatsu, and other forms of bodywork are widely used to diminish muscle tension, relieve stress, and improve sleep or you can opt for mind/body breathing exercises, physical exercise, yoga, tai chi, self-hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback are just some of the stress reduction techniques used for anxiety. Try different techniques and determine which routine you can stick to with a hectic schedules.


  •  web article by Cathy Wong, About.com guide:Natural Remedies for Anxiety, accessed on 9 July 2013
  • web article by Calmclinic , Calmclinic.com:Natural & Herbal Anxiety Remedies, accessed on 9 July 2013

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana

How to Use Natural Remedies to Treat Anxiety

No medicine (natural or otherwise) should be the only treatment for anxiety. The reason herbal medicines are so beneficial is because while you use herbal supplements you can also learn valuable anxiety-coping strategies.
Prescription anxiety medications dull anxiety and the brain too much, and make it much harder to
learn to cope with stress, while herbal and natural remedies keep your mind intact for learning to control anxiety symptoms.
In addition to herbal supplements, there are several breathing exercises, alternate coping strategies,
diets, and physical exercises that are effective for anxiety. Some people also find relief by reducing
their ingestion of stimulants (coffee, soda, etc.) and alcohol. Drinking more water may also be effective.
Finally, remember that non-medicinal strategies are also natural ways to treat anxiety. Desensitization and improving your internal dialogue are both effective anxiety control methods. Before you can treat your anxiety, however, you need to make sure you understand it in full, read my article on social anxiety.

Tips when using Herbal Supplements for Anxiety:

  • Avoid mixing herbs with prescription medications or alcohol without consulting a doctor.
  • Never abuse herbal remedies (take the recommended dose of the remedy).
  • Do not use herbal remedies for an extended period of time without talking to a doctor.
  • Check to make sure you are not allergic to an herb before you use it.
  • Always combine herbal supplements with healthy lifestyle choices.


How to get over social anxiety disorder


Also known as Social Phobia, this disorder according to mayoclinic.com, consists mainly of feelings of embarrassment, extreme fear, self-consciousness and irrational anxiety on day to day interactions with other people. People who suffer from this disorder may be mistaken by other people as being shy but it’s not their case, I guarantee you that. I've been suffering from this disorder since my early childhood days and at first, I thought I  also that I was shy till as I grew older, I started noticing that my shyness was to extreme and constant even  when I was interacting with people I know.
People who suffer from social anxiety disorder tend to have felling of self doubt “Do I look good?”, “Are they talking about me?”, “Do they think I sound/look stupid?” . Low self esteem is also another problem associated with people suffering from social phobia because of their constant self doubt. Challenging self doubt can be very tiresome as it requires a lot of patience and dedication. 

Social phobia or anxiety tends to make people who suffer from it to scared to leave their comfort zones to face real life social situations.

People who suffer from social anxiety usually have a very low self esteem because they are always thinking negatively about themselves. I used to think that there was no cure for it and therefore I was bound to live with it for the rest of my life but to my amaze I stumbled on some really helpful tips on the web which have been helping me a lot and helping me live a much better life.

1)Practice being relaxed

Not many people think of worrying as self- programming, but it is. When you worry intensely about upcoming social situations, you are repeatedly linking anxiety to the events. Then when you actually go into the social situation itself, you feel anxious – you've programmed yourself to feel
this way. You can start to change this response by taking time to think about the future gathering whilst relaxed – maybe when sitting in a comfortable chair or relaxing in a warm bath. Imagine seeing yourself at the social event, looking relaxed and confident. Do this repeatedly and your body and mind will forge a new and better automatic association to these times.

2) Seek out social situations

Imagine living in a house for thirty years, but always avoiding one room. When you finally ventured into the mysterious room, you might feel a little tense and anxious. Why? The more we avoid something, the more we send the message to the unconscious mind: "I am
avoiding this because it is dangerous." Your mind, trying to be helpful, builds up the fear of what it is you're avoiding even more. In nature, we avoid a clump of trees because it might have lions in it or we avoid cliff edges because falling off means death. We avoid what frightens us and, in return, are frightened by what we avoid. So start actively putting yourself in social situations.

Another way to cultivate outward focus is to ask questions. Social anxiety has us worrying what other people think of us, so focus on other people instead. Be curious. Ask people open-ended questions that require more than just a "yes" or "no" answer. Make a point of remembering what
they say and referring back to it later to demonstrate your interest. Again, this forces your focus of attention to shift outward. It's also nice for other people, meaning you might accidentally make
 friends as a 'by-product' of this strategy.

4) Make a much careful use of your imagination

Your imagination is a wonderful thing. Used constructively, it can be a massive help (see Tip 1
above). But social anxiety often has you using it to scare yourself. This is like using a hammer (a
potentially useful tool) to wash the dishes. Years of public speaking taught me that trying to imagine what people are thinking of you is a big no- no. If you catch yourself 'mind-reading', tell yourself the truth: "Look, I really don't – and can't – know
what these other people are thinking right now!" Ultimately, we can influence what others think of us, but we can never control it. And as you become more socially confident, you'll care less anyway. To change any behavior, your mind needs positive instructions. Don't think: "I hope I don't feel terrified  usual!" – this is like someone asking you directions by telling you where they don't want to end up. Instead, ask yourself: "How do I want to feel in these situations?" And get into the habit of focusing on that. Find your 'target feeling' by looking to times when you are  comfortable with others (say, old friends or trusted family members). Then you can use these situations as templates for preparing your mind to perform the way you want in social situations. To do this, close your eyes and get yourself nice and relaxed. Take time to remember how it feels to be with these familiar people until you get a strong feeling of comfort. Imagine seeing yourself in a formerly less comfortable social situation, but behaving like you do with your trusted friends. This sort of mental rehearsal is extremely powerful and can make a massive difference over time.

5) Be yourself

Part of social anxiety treatment involves teaching people to be relaxed enough to be able to present a less-than-perfect image. That's right; people who are relaxed about sometimes making a 'bit of a fool of themselves' tend to be much more socially confident. There's no need for you to become a party buffoon, but being prepared to show a less- than-perfect side of yourself is a sign of great confidence. For example, being humorous is a (slight) risk because it might just produce a stony silence (it's happened to me – no, really!). The point is that social anxiety gets us caring too much about what others think. Trying to present a perfect front makes us stilted by driving out spontaneity. Typical self-conscious thoughts are: "I hope no one notices I'm tense." "What if people think I'm stupid?!" "Who would want to hear anything I have to say?" "I think I'm coming across as a weirdo!" These all imply that occasional tenseness, weirdness, and inappropriate speech are somehow out of the norm for human interaction. Believe me, they're not (even, I'm sure, inside Buckingham Palace!). Worrying about ever 'putting a foot wrong' is a form of perfectionism. Being a perfectionist is fine when doing surgery, but not for meeting the in-laws or going to that neighbor's party. Even socially confident people occasionally act a little weird or get the wrong end of a conversation or feel flustered.
The difference is, they relax with these things when
they do happen.

Its been 6 weeks of making use of these tips and am starting to feel some change in my life, I am able to control myself better when am in a social situation like a group date with friends. No need to rely on those expensive pills which the doctor tells us to take or go seek assistance of a therapist which will be glad to talk a lot of crap with you so that he cashes out as much as possible for you. These tips are cost effective and can ease up the pressure on your life if, well atleast that's what they are doing in mine. Or if you think you do better with medication I advise you to read my article on natural remedies for anxiety, it might help you.


Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana


Smoking cigarettes can be a good thing too

The practice of smoking according to Wikipedia dates back to the year 5000 B.C. Smoking was initially done in many different ways throughout the world, for example in Greece, smoke was used as a healing practice and also Babylonians, Chinese, Indians, Israelites and later Catholic and Orthodox, Christian churches used smoke for religious rituals.
Smoking at first was displayed as something cool and therefore anyone regardless of their age could buy it and smoke it without any hassle. Smoking was allowed almost everywhere including in hospitals and all over town, in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio adverts on cigarettes were always frequent. Today, with so many researches on tobacco we’ve come to discover its negative effects on our health therefore now they are now many restrictions imposed on cigarette manufacturers.

According to kidshealth.org, a smoker of tobacco may suffer from long-term health problems like lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and many other sorts of health problems. For many people nowadays, smoking tobacco is regarded by them as a bad thing to do because it only brings negative effects to our health, I used to think the same also but my opinion recently changed when I read an article in http://www.sott.net that spoke about the benefits of smoking tobacco. Yes! You got it right, the benefits! Am sure you never heard about them before like me because many medical pamphlets on tobacco only speak about the negative side of smoking tobacco.
Well according to this website, nicotine found in cigarettes reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer; reduces the risk of all sort of effects of schizophrenia; it provides relief of common side effects from antipsychotic drugs; reduces the risk of getting obese; reduces the risk of acquiring certain inflammatory disorders; reduces the risk of pregnant women acquiring preeclampsia-an extremely common but deadly condition. Children of smokers were also found out by a study conducted in Sweden to have lower rates of allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, atopic eczema, and food allergies.
Although smoking tobacco has some benefits also, it’s still recommended to avoid them or if you are already a smoker, to quit because the negative effects outnumber the positive ones.  Stay healthy, avoid cigarettes.


Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana

Reverse psychology, its power on people and relationships


 Reverse psychology is simply a form manipulation used when you want someone to do or say something by just just simply saying the opposite of what you desire to say.
Knowing how to make use of the reverse psychology can be very useful in dealing with people or in relationships, for example, it can help parents deal with rebellious kids or a man/woman deal with a partner who loves to argue.  The effectiveness of the reverse psychology is not guaranteed in everyone, it is only certain in people who are rebellious plus it’s much easier to use when the targeted person is in an emotional state. For example if your partner doesn't want to do the house cleaning when you asking him to, don’t argue with him, simply say “fine, there is no need for you to clean it, let’s leave it the way it is, I want the people to see how filthy you are to live in a dirty house” that sort of reply will leave your partner thinking hard and eventually doing the chore because he will want to prove it to you that he can also be a clean person. Another example can be of a child who gets a F in a math test, if you tell the child you are dumb you don’t know anything, you are making the child believe that he truly is dumb and will never improve his grades but if you do the opposite, tell him that you are sure he will get an A the next math test if he studies, you will be creating a different effect on the child, you will make the child believe he can achieve the A score in the next math test once he studies more, he will eventually start studying more.
Power struggles in relationships are very common and usually none of the arguing parties want to lose the fight. The main purpose of the reverse psychology is to help minimize these unnecessary arguments in relationships and sustain them so that they can last longer.


Article Witten by : Cristo Rutazihana  

The loopholes in female minds unveiled

While I was surfing the web, seeking more knowledge on the female psychology I came across an interesting discovery in some articles in this website http://www.femaleloophole.org , loopholes in the female mind. By loopholes in the female mind I mean, in comprehensive language, ways in which one can successfully seduce a woman in much less time and also can help a man understand his girl better if he is already in a relationship.
Well according to the articles in this website, these so called loopholes have been known and kept in secret for a long time by masters in the seduction game because of their accuracy and effectiveness but have recently been leaked in the web. The experts kept it in secret for a long time because they are scared that man out there will make wrong use of it and eventually damage the woman’s mind. The long term effects on women are still not known but its effectiveness is guaranteed.
Seduction techniques which make use of this info are the fractionation and push-pull technique. These two techniques once mastered can make any man regardless of their status, appearance grab any woman, no matter how hot she is, she won’t be a problem when trying to seduce her. The effectiveness of these techniques is guaranteed by most websites which included info on these techniques that I visited. Learn more about these techniques here in my blog, I got special articles that mainly deal with them.  Mastering these techniques will also mean that a guy will be able to have bit of control over his relationship thus sustaining it for a long time, which is good.

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana

Fractionation, the best of all seduction techniques

This is one of the most powerful seduction techniques I retrieved from the web, and it is also the most controversial one because according to various websites I visited, it can help you seduce any girl in less than 15 minutes regardless of experience in the seduction game. It’s a good technique for beginners like you and me, who want to venture into the seduction game and get successful.  Nice, I like the sound of that, what about you my friend?  Any chick in less than 15 minutes, that’s nice, it’s faster than the push-pull technique for sure.

According to http://www.fractionationseduction.net ,   fractionation is simply a very powerful dating and seduction technique discovered by Sigmund Freud and further developed later by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) founder John Grinder. But this technique at first it was said to be very hard to understand, especially people who are not into psychology but luckily for us recently, Derek Rake, a very prominent name in the seduction game created a more comprehensive version of the fractionation technique. To learn how to view this video visit http://www.fractionationseduction.net, I did watch the video myself- it was sent to me to my email address. I can assure you that in the video, the explanation is perfect that I don’t even need to write down about the technique here in this article, I just need t watch it over and over again to understand it better. It’s better for you to hear the explanation by Derek Rake, because the dude is the one who came up with it.
Imagine my friend, you and I, previous losers in the seduction game being able to get hold of extremely hot chicks in less than 15 minutes, man I can’t wait for that to happen, I’m tired of being a loser. Am going to try it this technique and many others that I posted in my blog right away, you should also go do the same. I’m not ugly, am good looking and young, my only problem is that I’m not good in the seduction game some may say because am shy but am sure it’s not just that, I got social anxiety. That shit leaves me shy and scared 10 times more than normal shy people, it’s really hard for me but I know I’ll make it. Lets prove them other bastards out there that we can also get hold of them hot ladies….lets master all these seduction techniques and become pros in this seduction game. Trust me, I know we can….let’s do it my friend……
Email me your results brother at chrizzymozmoz@gmail.com  and don’t forget to leave your comment.

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana


Push-Pull technique, one of the killer techniques in the seduction game


Many men out there including me, have a common problem when it comes to seducing chicks, especially the hot ones. You see a hot girl passing by you, you stop, admire and start thinking to yourself, “if only I could know what words to say to seduce that bomb, shit I would…” I always come across this type of situations and trust me, I hate it, and I know am not the only one though, there are many men out there, young, old in the same boat as me. I don’t believe our problem as no solution because as I was surfing the web on female psychology, I came across various seduction techniques which I want to try out. Many comments I read in websites I visited were stating how successful these techniques were in real life, what’s there to lose? It’s better to try them out than stay living a miserable life, don’t you think so?
So I came across this technique called, push-pull technique, according to http://www.modernmalelifestyle.com/Article/Push-Pull-Technique-Unpredictable, the principle of this technique is to control a girl’s emotions, how you do that? Well women in general are all ruled by their emotions therefore, according to this website, the best way to control her emotions is to make her go through an emotional rollercoaster, that is, make her feel a set of powerful emotions at once, once that skill  is mastered, using the push-pull technique will be an easy task.
You now curious over this killer technique, well don’t worry am going to talk more about it. I searched over the web the best explanation on this killer seduction technique but I found many complicating long explanations. Luckily when I accessed this blog article, http://feliciazoe.bogspot.com/2010/02/what-women-want-push-pull-technique.html?m=1, I got a much simplified explanation on how to use the technique. Although it’s a 3 years back article, the info is still relevant to other recent info I read from articles on this technique on the web. Well according to this blog article, the push-pull consists of the following:

·  Showing at first an interest in the girl you speaking to then later acting like you don’t care a bit about her.
· Never acting like other men. Be yourself.
· Don’t always give her what she’s expecting from you, for example when she’s expecting a compliment from you just do the opposite, tease her but don’t insult  her though or you may ruin the whole technique.
·  Be confident when talking to her, don’t display that you’re nervous.
·  Play a hard to get game with the girl so that she will know it’s not easy to have you. Girls love 

I’m currently studying more about this technique and I promise I will post an article on its effectiveness once I try it out, you should do the same, go try this and my other posted seduction techniques and then email me your results at chrizzymozmoz@gmail.com. If you want to know more about this technique I suggest you go Google more about it or go seek videos in YouTube that talk about it. Don’t forget read also my about the other seduction techniques in my blog. What did u think of my article, was it useful? Leave your comment…..

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana


Urine, the perfect remedy

Do you think you got enough knowledge of all sorts of natural treatments that exist in the world? Do you know the most powerful one among them?

Recent medical research has found and proved that urine is the most powerful natural remedy that exists in the world, yes urine! The same liquid you flow out when you piss....

I am sure you may find it a bit odd but its true, its damn effective. According to Associated Press, july 1985, in egypt, rescue teams found a 37 year old man alive in the middle chunks of buildings brought down by an earthquake. He survirved for almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine but his wife, daughter and mother refused to do the same and eventually died. If they had taken the same action as the man, i am quite sure they would have made it out alive also in a good state.
Since the 20th century, profound researches on urine have been made without public knowledge, these researches showed that urine was really very helpful to human health because it was found out that it was a big source of vital nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and vital anti-bodies that can not be lab manufactured or retrieved from other sources.
"Urine acts like an excelent natural injection and it has also demonstrated that it can cure a huge range of disorders, including asma, headaches, intestinal problems,etc" (www.all-natural.com/urine.html apud J. Plesch, M.D., The Medical Press, 1947) Not only that, urine it is also used to cure cancer, heart diseases, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asma, infertility, infections, wounds, etc.
" A pacient with ovarian cancer which requires a complicated treatment was cured with an extract of human urine and now she is totaly cured and enjoying her new gained life"(www.all-natural.com/urine.html apud Soeda, University of tokio, 1968)

Did you know also that, for a unborn baby to develop lungs, they continualy inhale a amniotic fluid found in urine, without that, they would not be able to develop lungs. Doctors also believe that what causes babies to have soft skin and embryons to cure itself is also the amniotic liquid found in urine.
Sucess stories of urine are many, just google about it yourself and you will find a billion search results, amazing isn't? The thing you always considered to be disgusting and a health hazard is in reality the one thing which may surely save your life one day, its a bit hard to believe but its true, if you werent conviced by my facts then i advise you to do a more profound research on the topic yourself.

Source: http://www.all-natural.com/urine.html

Article Written by:Cristo Rutazihana


Grilled Fish with Piri-Piri


1 large fish , cleaned and scaled
4 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove
4 tbsp dried piri-piri chillies
4 tbsp parsley stalks

Pre-heat your barbecue or grill.
Wash the fish then cut three or four deep slashes in the side.
Mix all the remaining ingredients in a food processor and process to a paste. Rub this paste all over the inside and outside of the fish.
Sit on a dish, cover loosely and set aside to marinate for 30 minutes. After this time, transfer the fish to your barbecue (or place under a hot grill [broiler]) and cook for about 20 minutes per side, or until done through.

Serve hot, accompanied by rice.

Article written by:Cristo Rutazihana


Zambezi-style Barbecued Chicken


1 medium oven-ready chicken
1 coconut , flesh grated
8 garlic cloves
1 bayleaf
salt , to taste
60ml oil


Wash the chicken thoroughly and then dry.
Grate the coconut into a bowl then pour over 120ml cold water and 120ml hot water. Stir well with your hands until the liquid becomes creamy the set aside to cool.
Chop the garlic and mash on a chopping board by adding a little salt and mashing with the side of a knife. Rub the garlic all over the chicken (both inside and out) then sit the bayleaf in the body cavity.

Arrange in a baking dish and pour over half the coconut milk (pass the coconut mixture through a fine-meshed sieve to extract this). Allow to marinate for 30 minutes, basting the chicken frequently with the coconut milk.
Mix the remaining coconut milk in a bowl with 60ml oil. In the meantime, pre-heat your barbecue.
Split the chicken in half and place on your barbecue. Cook for about 20 to 25 minutes per side, or until the chicken is cooked through.
As the chicken cooks, use a feather to brush the bird with the coconut milk and oil mixture.This will help crisp the skin.

Serve hot, with rice.

Article written by:Cristo Rutazihana



1.The fruit and juice are bursting with the most powerful antioxidants of any other fruit or juice!
2. The fruit and juice could lower your high blood pressure and cholesterol levels!
This fruit is safe and healthy for your heart!
3. The fruit and its juice may prevent a stroke!
4. It shines light into the darknessof Alzheimer's disease!
5. It's natural sugars could also be something sweet and safe for diabetics!

article written by:Cristo Rutazihana
source:daily health tips(facebook page)


8 ways to fight back constipation

1.Drink lots of water with squeezed lemon.
2.Eat fresh whole vegetables and fruits.
3.Reduce the intake of starches like carrots and potatoes while constipated (Carrot juice is acceptable).
4.Make a green smoothie with Celery, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger and Pineaple.
5.Go for a 20-30 minute walk after every meal.
6.Drink lots of fresh vegetables juice with 1 inch of ginger & turmeric.
7.Eat more healthy fats like hemp seeds, chia seeds, avocados & less fats from un-sprouted nuts while you are constipated.
8.Reduce or eliminate your intake of high fats processed foods, animal foods and replace them with fiber rich plant foods like dark leafy greens and whole fruits.

Easy, don't you think so? Let me know if it worked out for you...

Source: Daily Healthy Tips(Facebook Page)
Article Written by:Cristo Rutazihana



Women suffer more from smoking than men


A survey done by Norwegian scientists suggests that women smokers are more likely to develop bowel cancer than male smokers.

The researchers, from the University of Tromso, analyzed the medical records of 600 000 patients and concluded that the incidence of the disease is twice as high among women who smoke.

The risk of developing the disease proved to be especially high among women who started smoking at age 16 or younger and those who smoked for decades. Over this period, approximately 4000 patients had bowel cancer.

The study, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, shows that women smokers are 19% more likely to develop this cancer than nonsmokers, while among men the cigarette increases the risk by 9%.
According to Norwegian scientists, this is the first study to show that even women who smoke less than men have a higher risk of developing cancer in the large intestine - an indication that they would be more vulnerable to the toxic effects of smoking, for example: a man who takes 40 cigarettes a day causes similar damage to his organism  compared to a woman who only takes 10 a day....

In my opinion them ladies should throw away their cigarettes if they wanna live long.
Drop your opinion on this issue.... 

article written by: Cristo Rutazihana
source: agencia brasil(http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/ciencia/cigarro-causa-mais-cancer-em-mulheres-mostra-estudo-01052013-11.shl)

The power of natural red (fruits & vegetables)

Fruits and vegetables like peppers, radishes, cherries, watermelon, red grapefruits, strawberries, red grapes, pomegranate, and red apples contain an important substance called lycopene.

Lycopene can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer up to 35%. This substance has a significant role in preventing heart diseases, ovarian cancer and also for the recycling of glutathione, also called the protein of life.

Lycopene is regarded as one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in our bodies and it plays an amazing role in eliminating toxins from our body. Red fruit and vegetables have so many benefits to our health and it has also been proved that by eating only ½ cup of tomatoes it’s possible to reduce ovarian cancer by up to 60%.
So what you say? Let’s go get the reddish goodies to our tables now.

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana


Doctors seem to have made a breakthrough in the treatment of HIV after they 'cured' a baby girl who was infected with the virus. 
The baby girl went through an accelerated programme of medication when she was 30 years old because she got infected by her HIV positive mother during labour.
That action seemed to have blasted the virus into remission and prevented it from taking root in the baby’s cells.
Recently, the now two-years-old baby girl from Mississipi, USA, is process of remission but blood tests showed no signs that the virus was still present. That is known as a 'functional cure.'
Experts say the groundbreaking development paves the way for other children to be treated before the virus takes hold.

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana



Music, the one thing everyone loves…..it not only entertains us but also has vast utilities to us, one of them is to stabilize our psychological health. 

Studies have proved that music is unanimously linked to our health and emotions, how? , well, to make it much more comprehensible let me divide my explanations into three parts, namely: relation between music & health; relation between music & emotions; and relation between emotions & health.

1. Relationship BETWEEN MUSIC & HEALTH
Listening to music can prompt the body to release substances which are responsible for giving us the “ am feeling great” feelings.
Music can help in reducing feelings of physical pain; boosting memory; reducing levels of anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia; improving earring quality; alleviate pain in surgery patients; help in the process of recovering of brain related problems , e.g. PARKINSONS DISEASE AND ALZHEIMER.

Music can also affect the health negatively. If music is listened to in high volume it may trigger tension or heart attacks, not only, it can also damage the earring system.

2.  Relationship between music and emotions
Music unquestionably affects our emotions. We tend to listen to music that reflects our mood. When we’re happy we may listen to upbeat music; when we’re sad we may listen to slower, moving songs; when we’re angry we may listen to darker music with heavy guitar, drums, and vocals that reflect our level of anger.
We may not know why we prefer the artists we listen to, except to say that we resonate with or feel the music, or just that they write songs we like.
Music allows us to study more about our emotional selves. Music also can be an effective coping strategy. We can listen to music that triggers emotions we want to feel in a given moment. If we feel lazy, unmotivated or down, a playlist of up-tempo, energetic songs can be very helpful because they can change our moods. Life would be much interesting if we were able to create playlists based on a variety of emotions so that we can easily access them when necessary.
While music can move us in an acute emotional moment, it’s also notable that it can be used to also to elicit underlying emotions and teach us about unconscious elements of our emotional structure. If we notice a pattern of emotional music that raises questions about current feelings or about who we are, it could be a worthwhile opportunity for self-exploration.

3. Relationship between emotions & health
When you sing your loved one’s praises… 
Expressing the affectionate feelings you have towards your partner lowers cholesterol levels. A study reported in the journal Human Communication Research showed that when people spent three 20-minute sessions per week writing about loved ones, their cholesterol count fell within five weeks.
When you’re having a blazing row… 
A 30-minute argument with your partner can slow your body’s ability to heal by at least a day. If you argue regularly, that healing time is doubled. Researchers tested couples with a suction device that created tiny blisters on their arms. When the couples were asked to talk about an area of disagreement that provoked emotion, the wounds took about 40 per cent longer to heal than those of the control group. This response, say the researchers, is caused by a surge in cytokines, the  immune molecules that trigger inflammation. High levels of cytokines are linked to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
When you’re stressed-out… 
Short bouts of stress can boost immunity and raise levels of cancer-fighting molecules – and the effect lasts for weeks after the stressful situation ends. However, long-lasting or chronic stress is a different matter. Memory and accuracy are impaired. Patrols for invaders aren't sent out, you tire more easily, you can become depressed and reproduction gets downgraded. Exposure to chronic stress has been found to raise risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
When you’re in love… 
Falling in love can raise levels of nerve growth factor for about a year. Nerve growth factor, a hormone-like substance, helps restore the nervous system and improves memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells. It’s also associated with the feeling of being loved-up and contented, inducing a calming effect on both the body and the mind.
When you’re feeling down… 
Depression, pessimism and apathy affect our health in several ways. Low mood is linked to low levels of serotonin and dopa-mine, the feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. Serotonin plays a role in regulating pain perception and could be the reason why 45 per cent of people with depression also suffer aches and pains.
When you burst into tears… 
Emotional tears contain high levels of the hormones and neurotransmitters associated with stress. The purpose of emotional crying is to remove stress chemicals. Holding back tears leaves the body prone to anxiety, including weakened immunity, impaired memory and poor digestion.
When you’re consumed with jealousy… 
Jealousy is one of the most powerful and painful of human emotions – and the most difficult to control. Women’s jealousy is usually triggered by the suspicion of emotional betrayal, while men typically become jealous when they suspect they have sexual competition. Jealousy is a complex mix of fear, stress and anger. These three states trigger the fight-or-flight response, usually in quite an intense way. Someone in the grip of jealousy is likely to suffer raised blood pressure, heart rate and adrenalin levels, weakened immunity and anxiety.

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana