
Women suffer more from smoking than men


A survey done by Norwegian scientists suggests that women smokers are more likely to develop bowel cancer than male smokers.

The researchers, from the University of Tromso, analyzed the medical records of 600 000 patients and concluded that the incidence of the disease is twice as high among women who smoke.

The risk of developing the disease proved to be especially high among women who started smoking at age 16 or younger and those who smoked for decades. Over this period, approximately 4000 patients had bowel cancer.

The study, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, shows that women smokers are 19% more likely to develop this cancer than nonsmokers, while among men the cigarette increases the risk by 9%.
According to Norwegian scientists, this is the first study to show that even women who smoke less than men have a higher risk of developing cancer in the large intestine - an indication that they would be more vulnerable to the toxic effects of smoking, for example: a man who takes 40 cigarettes a day causes similar damage to his organism  compared to a woman who only takes 10 a day....

In my opinion them ladies should throw away their cigarettes if they wanna live long.
Drop your opinion on this issue.... 

article written by: Cristo Rutazihana
source: agencia brasil(http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/ciencia/cigarro-causa-mais-cancer-em-mulheres-mostra-estudo-01052013-11.shl)