
Travel tips IF YOU’RE TRAVELLING TO Africa

When travelling to Africa, its best to know what to do so that you will always be on the safe side while enjoying Africa’s amazing beauties.

1.Try to take along only a bag (backpack) which has plenty of room to keep your accessories like cameras, laptop, etc, they are easy to carry around and manage.
2.   Pack your documents like passports in a safe place or else you risk getting your trip back home delayed.
3.  Make sure to always have your camera in hand; you don’t want to miss wonderful opportunities for a nice picture.
4.  Carry a cheap phone for communication purposes and remember to buy a local sim card on your arrival.
5.  Don’t walk around with large sums of money in your pockets, leave the rest in your bank account and use your visa card instead for purchases, its much safer.
6. Eat local food, its much cheaper.
7.  Mosquitoes are excessive in Africa therefore I suggest you carry along your anti-mosquitoes set (repellent, sprays, etc) .
8.  Never travel alone.
9.  Drink a lot of liquids so that you avoid getting dehydrated.
10.Carry along a power adapter most preferably a solar charged one so that even in no power zones you will still be able to charge your laptop, phone, camera, etc.
11.  My last tip, have fun and enjoy.

Article written by: Cristo Rutazihana