
8 ways to fight back constipation

1.Drink lots of water with squeezed lemon.
2.Eat fresh whole vegetables and fruits.
3.Reduce the intake of starches like carrots and potatoes while constipated (Carrot juice is acceptable).
4.Make a green smoothie with Celery, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger and Pineaple.
5.Go for a 20-30 minute walk after every meal.
6.Drink lots of fresh vegetables juice with 1 inch of ginger & turmeric.
7.Eat more healthy fats like hemp seeds, chia seeds, avocados & less fats from un-sprouted nuts while you are constipated.
8.Reduce or eliminate your intake of high fats processed foods, animal foods and replace them with fiber rich plant foods like dark leafy greens and whole fruits.

Easy, don't you think so? Let me know if it worked out for you...

Source: Daily Healthy Tips(Facebook Page)
Article Written by:Cristo Rutazihana